Monday, July 31, 2017

Announcing Nearby Connections 2.0, fully offline, high bandwidth peer to peer device communication.

Geolocation Emulation in Chrome

Its a  simple enough API, but I specifically needed to test with a few Different Locations.
  I knew that Chrome supported emulating a location but i was pleasantly surprised to see some nice updates to the tooling, First off, how do you actually find the Feature?

If you open up Dev Tools , you probably won't see it;
short key CTRL+SHIFT+I Enter to open console mode
Click the three dots in the upper right hand corner to open the menu, then "More tools", and then option in "Sensors" like this.

Oh look, there it is...

This will pop up  of the main dev tools where you can find  emulations tools for geolocation , orientation and touch.

Woot to the woot

Okay , so far good ,what i saw in the dropdown.


Saturday, July 1, 2017

Android Studio Shortcuts.

Shortcut DescriptionAndroid Studio Shortcut
Go to class                                                      CTRL + N
Go to file                                                          CTRL + Shift + N
Navigate open tabs                                         ALT + Left-Arrow; ALT + Right-Arrow
Look up recent files                                        CTRL + E
Go to line                                                        CTRL + G
Navigate to last edit location                          CTRL + SHIFT + BACKSPACE
Go to declaration                                           CTRL + B
Go to implementation                                    CTRL + ALT + B
Go to source                                                 F4
Go to super Class                                        CTRL + U
Show Call hierarchy                                     CTRL + ALT + H
Search in path/project                                  CTRL + SHIFT + F

Programming Shortcuts:-
Shortcut Description            Android Studio Shortcut
Reformat code                                                    CTRL + ALT + L
Optimize imports                                                CTRL + ALT + O
Code Completion                                               CTRL + SPACE
Issue quick fix                                                    ALT + ENTER
Surround code block                                          CTRL + ALT + T
Rename and Refractor                                       Shift + F6
Line Comment or Uncomment                           CTRL + /
Block Comment or Uncomment                          CTRL + SHIFT + /
Go to previous/next method                                ALT + UP/DOWN
Show parameters for method                              CTRL + P
Quick documentation lookup                               CTRL + Q
Delete a line                                                         CTRL + Y
View declaration in layout                                    CTRL + B
To find Usage of selected Text                            ALT + F7 
safe Delete  ALT +DELETErt
close Active Tab CTRL+
Safe Delete
Close Active TabCTRL + F4
Build and runSHIFT + F10
BuildCTRL + F9
All purpose (Meta)ShortcutCTRL + SHIFT + A

goto Edit -> Find -> Find Usages
To check unused res files in android studio - Control + Alt + Shift + i and type "Unused resources"

Using Ionic View to test our Ionic application

Ionic View

Instead of running your application on a physical device via USB or emulating it on our machine, we can use Ionic View on our smartphone to download our application from Ionic’s server.
This is good when you want to share the application with someone without having them enable developer options on their device, or even can be used to test on multiple platforms such as iOS without having a Mac. Keep in mind that this flexibility does have some downsides that are discussed within this article.

Download Ionic View

If you’d like to use this method, download Ionic View from the app store on your device Apple iOS, Google Play
We’ll be using the Ionic CLI to upload our application to the platform.

Create an account

For this, we’ll need login credentials. Create an account over at to get started.
Once done, we can upload our project to from within the Ionic CLI.

Upload your project to Ionic View

From within your project directory in the command line, type ionic upload . It will request the login credentials we just created and display an upload success message.
We can then use Ionic View to log in to our Ionic account and access the application remotely from within the application on our phone.
Prior to uploading your application, ensure you have ran it at least once with ionic serve . When downloading a starter project and pushing it straight to Ionic View, the necessary build files may not have been generated and you’ll get a white screen error.

Cordova plugin support with Ionic View

A downside to viewing our application like this is that there is only a subset of Cordova/Ionic Native plugins supported with this method. Because of this, do not consider it a replacement for debugging on the device. You can see a list of the currently supported plugins here: