Friday, January 25, 2019

Command failed: gradlew.bat installDebug

Command failed: gradlew.bat installDebug

android --> settings.gradle


android --> settings.gradle

Forward Slash: /

Thanks :)

Sunday, January 20, 2019

React Native | How to setup or configure environment variable for android sdk in windows.

After successfully on install android sdk and configuring it with windows.
 now it's time to setup environment variable for android.

let me know how do that...
Step 1   Click on This PC -> Computer ->Properties

Step 2   
          In Properties window  click on "Advanced system settings"

Step 3  
 now system properties dialog comes up there click on "Environment variable"

Step 4   
Environment variable dialog open there under system variables click on "New" button , on click of "new" a dialog box 
comes up there enter the "Variable name" and "Variable value"

Step 5
Variable name : In my case I have given "ANDROID_HOME"
Variable value: location of  Android Sdk
Note : Its mandatory with name ANDROID_HOME

Step 6
now inside system variables select the variable with name "Path" and click on "Edit" button , 

Step 7
on click of "New" button 
value for android platform tools= %ANDROID_HOME%platform-tools;

so add the following value

Step 8
value for android emulator= %ANDROID_HOME%emulator;

so add the following value
value for SDK emulator = %ANDROID_HOME%emulator;

Step 9
emulator -list-avds


The React Native CLI

npm install -g react-native-cli

create a new project with below command
react-native init HelloWorld

Running your React Native application
Run react-native run-android inside your React Native project folder:

cd HelloWorld
react-native run-android


How to create Android Studio Emulator.

Launch SDK Manager in Android Studio without creating Android Project. 

Launch AVD Manager in Android Studio without creating Android Project. 

Step : #1 [ Launch AVD Manager in Android Studio with creating Android Project. ]
In Android Studio go to “Tools (Menu Bar) > AVD Manager.

Follow with Another Step look likes an image below


Step : #2
If Exit old one, as soon as possible deleted the old one.

Step : #3
Click on the Create Virtual Device button.

Step : #4 
Select Phone as Category and select the device which you want to use to make a Virtual Device. Then click on the Next button.

Step : #5

Step : #6

Step : #7
Now see the newly created Emulator in the list of available Android Virtual Devices.

Happy Coding :)

How to Install Java in Windows 10

Installing Java on Windows 10 is really easy, just follow the steps as follows:

First step is to download java installation files from Oracle’s website. Java 8 is the latest version, so go to this  below link and accept the license agreement. Then click on the download link for windows as shown in below image and save the file.

How to set JAVA_HOME on Windows 10?

Step : #1

Step : #2

Step : #3

Step : #4

Step : #5

Step : #6

We can move top one also %JAVA_HOME\bin%
Note - if we've multiple install java, top one will be and display version.